Inspection Requests / Consumer Complaints
If consumers are concerned that their new Manufactured Home or Modular Unit* has set-up deficiencies, serious defects, or possible eminent safety hazards, they can file an Inspection Request/Consumer Complaint form with the Missouri Public Service Commission, Manufactured Housing and Modular Units Program for a free inspection. If you have questions, please call the department at 1-800-819-3180.
* Modular Units include Residential Homes, Commercial or Industrial Units or Units used for Educational purposes.
Please Read Before Proceeding
The Manufactured Housing and Modular Units Program has authority to enforce building codes, safety standards and set-up related issues on all new homes or modular units. There is a two year statute of limitations on the set-up of a new home.
The Manufactured Housing and Modular Units Program does not have jurisdiction over cosmetic issues or contract issues, including but not limited to all financial matters and title issues. For contract and financial issues, contact the Missouri Attorney General's Office by calling the Consumer Protection Division at 1-800-392-8222. For titling issues contact the Missouri Department of Revenue at 573-526-5144.
Obtaining an Inspection Request / Consumer Complaint Form
*Only used for items related to installation of a new home.
The homeowner must complete an Inspection Request / Consumer Complaint Form, which can be obtained by...
- Downloading and printing this form: Inspection Request / Consumer Complaint Form from our web page, or
- Calling the Manufactured Housing and Modular Unit Program at 1-800-819-3180.
Please submit the completed form along with a copy of your Bill of Sale or Purchase Agreement to the Missouri Public Service Commission, Manufactured Housing and Modular Units Program, P.O. Box 360, Jefferson City, MO 65102,, or fax to: 573-522-2509.
Note: You will find information regarding the manufacturer of your home on the Data Plate, which is usually located on the back of a kitchen cabinet door or on a closet wall in your home.
VIN/Serial Number Verification Request
To schedule a VIN/Serial Number Inspection please call 1-800-819-3180.
There is a $200 fee associated with the inspection, which must be paid in advanced.
Manufactured Home Inspections are only done on NEW homes.
You can file an Inspection Request/Consumer Complaint form with the Missouri Public Service Commission, Manufactured Housing and Modular Units Program for a free inspection.